Sugar addiction, as bad as being hooked on cocaine?

Today on the Ask Prof Noakes Podcast we talk about sugar on the Low Carb Healthy Fat diet. We tell you what role sugar plays, and has played in our diets over the years. How evil is sugar really?

It is one of those cases that varies on different peoples’ opinions. It is the cause of the diabetes obesity epidemic, according to Doctor Robert Lustig from San Francisco. Sugar is highly addictive; and without a doubt if you are addicted to it, you will battle to regulate your body weight. Sugar forms an unnecessary part of the human diet. If you have a sugar addiction, you need to cut down your sugar completely.

This is how to cure sugar addiction

While some people can take on sugar one day, while not needing it the next. A large amount of people are addicted to sugar. This group opens up a slab of chocolate, and doesn’t stop till it is finished. Here in lies the problem with sugar. There is enough evidence out there to show sugar is bad for your health. Sugar consumption is one of the biggest contributors to obesity.

If you are addicted to the sweet stuff, the best way to cut down is stop all together. The reason for this is; even if you try restrict yourself to just a few grams of sugar, its addictive properties will see you eating more and more. Considering sugar’s addictive properties have been likened to cocaine and heroin; stopping all together is by far the most productive way to stop.

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