​Omega 3 and 6 – Which do you need and which should you avoid?

Today we discuss Omega 3 and 6. What is the difference between them? Which ones are good and which are bad? Which should you be seeking out, and where would you find them, and which ones should you be avoiding?

Hydrogenated vegetable oils have become a common ingredient in almost all processed food. This is why eating processed food is not recommended. Omega 6’s are a by-product of vegetable oils.
Omega 6’s came into the diet after 1912, following the development of hydrogenated oils. They have since become prevalent, but are thought to be toxic due to their origin as a polyunsaturated fat.

Omega 3 and 6 – Where do they come from?

Omega 3’s on the other hand, are a highly recommended part of your diet. Their consumption has diminished due to people eating less fish, a poorer quality meat. They are not only found in fish, both pasture-raised animals and in pasture-raised dairy can be full of Omega 3’s. This also applies to chickens and eggs.

Eating more fish, and paying attention to where you meat, dairy and eggs comes from are the best options when it comes to taking in Omega 3. Taking supplements is also an option, however it is not known whether this gives you the same quality and benefits. When sourcing a supplement it is advised to use a more reputable brand, as not all supplements act as well as each other.

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