
Through the Nutrition Network (NN) Ambassador Program, NN has been able to partner with organizations and individuals who align with our vision and mission of implementing carbohydrate restriction and lifestyle modifications to improve metabolic health. 

Through this very important initiative, NN has been able to develop hugely significant partnerships and relationships. Our online courses are the official training offered by the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP), as part of their Continuing Metabolic Health Education CMHE. The SMHP,  as an affiliate of the Nutrition Network,  highlights the importance of association in providing medical practitioners and researchers with evidence-based nutritional approaches to treating metabolic diseases, as well as ensuring compliance and competence in the practice of dietary and lifestyle interventions that address metabolic health.

NN has also branched out and formed many other key collaborations across various industries. Low Carb USA, provides clinical guidelines and educational resources to support the fast-growing community of practitioners and individuals interested in achieving better metabolic health through lifestyle interventions. 

FITGMR  is a pioneer in esports performance specializing in maximizing the potential for all gamers by connecting the worlds of sports science, health & wellness, and esports performance. Nutrition Network is the official nutrition education partner of FitGMR, assisting gamers in optimizing their health through carefully curated educational materials. NN has been guiding the nutrition information shared on the FitGMR website and app.

SASIM is a non-profit network of medical practitioners who support the practice of Functional and Integrative Medicine (IM). The SBE academy, KetoGroup, and Yoboo are key organisations addressing metabolic health challenges that align directly with the mission and vision of NN. 

All of our ambassadors and affiliates are carefully selected and act as representatives of the Nutrition Network, working closely with us to explore new ways to maintain and support global health. 

 It is clear that there is an urgent need to drive the message of improved metabolic health across the globe.  We hope to achieve this through the continuous development of our online courses and by offering passionate brand ambassadors the opportunity to join us in expanding our reach and our shared vision of improved metabolic health

Contact us today support@nutrition-network.org if you feel your vision and mission align. 

Apply to enrol in one of our CPD Accredited online professional trainings today.