Nutritional Medicine: The Basic Sciences New Online Training coming soon!

Understanding the intricate relationship between nutrition and human physiology is of paramount importance for medical professionals, especially with chronic disease rates on the rise. Among the global adult population, it has been predicted that for those 50 years and older of the population, the number with at least one lifestyle disease will increase by 99.5% from what was, 71.522 million in 2020, to 142.66 million by 2050 (1). 

One area that has gained significant attention in recent years is the impact of low-carbohydrate diets on the body and various organ systems. To bridge the knowledge gap and equip healthcare providers with a comprehensive understanding of this subject, we have produced a new online training program, focusing on the basic science behind nutrition Nutritional Medicine: The Basic Sciences. This groundbreaking initiative aims to empower medical professionals with the knowledge to guide patients toward healthier dietary choices.

We have built this online training to provide participants with an understanding of the basic science pertaining to nutrition, including the physiological mechanisms that underlie the effects of low-carbohydrate diets on the body and various organ systems. 

To be eligible for this training, participants should have a basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology, as well as a general understanding of nutrition and the role it plays in health and disease. They should also have an interest in learning about the latest research and science related to low-carb nutrition. Each lecture will cover largely the anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry for each topic and the link in the pathology/pathophysiology of common diseases of nutrition with regard to that particular organ.

Presented by national and international medical and allied healthcare experts in their field.

Through their guidance and expertise, learners will gain a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in implementing and optimizing this approach, paving the way for improved health outcomes and a transformative understanding of the role carbohydrates play in our overall well-being.

Variety of topics covered and expert lecturers 

  1. The Brain and the Pathology of Addiction – Bitten Jonsson RN
  2. Lipidology – Dr. Sue Beckers MB BS, Msc, Nut Med, MRCGP, MPHGI, PG Dip All
  3. Diabetic kidney disease: pathophysiology based lifestyle management – Dr. Yvo Sijpkens, MD, PhD
  4. Gout: Pathology in Gout and modulating factors – Dr. Peter Delannoy, PhD, MHP
  5. Liver: Normal Liver Physiology & Pathophysiology – Dr. Robert Cywes, MD, PhD
  6. Why examining patient’s eyes might impact their lifespan and healthspan – Dr. John Cripps MD, BSc, FRCSC (Emeritus)
  7. Gastrointestinal: The healthy gut vs. the sick gut, GIT pathology, leaky gut – Tamzyn Murphy RD MSc
  8. Insulin and Insulin Resistance – Dr. Hassina Kajee
  9. The Brain, Metabolism and Optimal Nutrition Normal Brain Physiology, Insulin & Nutrients – Dr. Angela Stanton
  10. Vascular Diseases– Ivor Cummins
  11. Part 1 Metabolism: Overview of Basic Biochemistry and physiology of therapeutic carbohydrate restriction and ketogenic diets: The Science of fat adaptation and ketosis – Dr. Louise Phillips GP
  12. Part 2 Metabolism: Basic Biochemistry and physiology of therapeutic carbohydrate restriction and ketogenic diets: The Science of fat adaptation and ketosis – Dr. Peter Delannoy, PhD, MHP
  13. Amber O’Hearn – Nutritional Ketosis

and more to be announced in the up and upcoming weeks!

Healthcare practitioners across all disciplines, including doctors, nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, and other allied health professionals.

  • Medical professionals
  • Allied Healthcare Workers
  • Nutrition Network Graduates
  • Health Coaches

Now open for enrolment at a discounted, early bird rate of 20% off.

Reference list

  1. Projecting the chronic disease burden among the adult population in the United States using a multi-state population model. Front Public Health. 2022; 10: 1082183. Published online 2023 Jan 13. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1082183

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