Nutrition Network Announces Medical Textbook in Partnership with Elsevier International: Science of Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction in Human Health 

Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction (TCR) and Keto Nutrition have long been considered a new science. After years of tireless work and collaboration, the pioneering TCR global community has changed this perception, by clarifying and demonstrating the diet’s potential to change the face of health and the nature of healthcare, worldwide. 

Nutrition Network (NN), founded by The Noakes Foundation and its team, both chaired by Prof Tim Noakes, recognised that the evidence behind TCR is no longer a debate and that it must become a part of mainstream medical science. Two years ago, the NN signed with Elsevier International in order to collaborate on a huge project that has spanned years in production and is now finally close to completion.

Introducing the world’s first and most robust medical and academic textbook on TCR, Science of Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction in Human Health

“This book is written and edited by the world’s best, with fifty-nine contributing authors and six people on the editing team. It is a labour of years of work, research, and love from our global collaborative community. There is an astounding level of care, research integrity, and quality that has gone into its production by each of the many world-leading contributors and editors working on the team” says Jayne Bullen, Managing Editor and Managing Director of NN. 

As the world leader in online TCR trainings, NN has trained thousands of medical and allied healthcare practitioners from around the world. NN trainings have focused on how to integrate TCR into practitioners existing practices, but the leaders of NN felt that more had to be done, specifically in the field of integrating TCR into medical education. 

“We needed to be engaged and present, and produce content from the actual artery that informs and trains medicine globally”, says Bullen. “It is this very knowledge artery that feeds, determines, and dictates dietary guidelines and in turn, global policy change. We needed this new essential uncovering of disease reversal to affect all areas of medicine, particularly in the textbook and training areas. This will support the many educational institutions that have approached us over the years, wanting to integrate this work into their curricula more actively. This book was one part of our strategy and is part of our global dream to change healthcare, one practitioner at a time. By improving healthcare, we improve patient lives and give families hope, health and lives back”. 

“Diseases of lifestyle have resulted in increasing rates of morbidity and mortality. Chronic medical conditions account for a large part of a medical practitioner’s in-patient and outpatient consultation. Undergraduate and postgraduate general medical curricula do not focus on the root cause of chronic diseases of lifestyle. As more evidence mounts to support the therapeutic potential of TCR in managing and reversing chronic diseases of lifestyle, it is imperative that doctors take the initiative and dramatically upskill ourselves in order to better serve our patients” says Dr Hassina Kajee, Co-Editor, Specialist Physician and Medical Curriculum Director of NN. 

Tamzyn Murphy, Co-Editor and Dietitian supported this saying “Dietitians have to innovate and change. I see many of my colleagues still offering guideline diets to patients, only to see little to no results over time. TCR, on the other hand, is evidence-based and gives real lasting results for various conditions. This knowledge gave me hope in the darkness that there is a way to support patients to optimize health and get back that which they lost through years or decades of eating the ‘correct’ way, only to see declining health”. 

The book Science of Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction in Human Health, published by Elsevier International, will be out early next year and has many world-leading authorities as contributors including Prof Tim Noakes (also co-Editor), Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Robert Cywes, Amy Berger MS, CNS, Dr Georgia Ede, Dr Ann Childers, Dr Thomas Seyfried, Dr Nasha Winters ND, Dr Gary Fettke, Dr Jason Fung, Dr Eric Westman, Dr’s Jen & David Unwin, Dr Neville Wellington (co-Editor) and Dr Hassina Kajee (co-Editor). 

The NN would like to extend their sincerest appreciation to the many authors who have contributed and delivered the most astounding contributions to the textbook, cementing this project as soon to be the gold standard of TCR & Ketogenic education.

Keep an eye on the NN social pages and website for updates.







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