Nutrition Network is officially re-opening applications for the NN Medical Certification Program

After the overwhelming success of our pilot Certification program run at the beginning of 2021, we celebrated the graduation of our first, fully certified NN Practitioners. Since then, the group have gone on to become close allies of the Nutrition Network (NN), with many exciting projects, studies, and publications materialising since the program. 

Some of the developments include the upcoming submission of Peter Cummings’ manuscript which shows the data and findings from his multi-disciplinary practice where 500+ free-living participants achieved remarkable improvements in their health, Frank Zweedjik is conducting a long-term cohort study on people suffering from IBS, Dr Sue Beckers is running Slow Carb Groups and Slow Carb Forum for reversing diabetes and is also working to convert her “If Cholesterol” presentation into an educational animation, and much, much more.

Since the conclusion of the gruelling medical certification path, we realised that the program for clinicians needs to be different to that of coaches. We are now building up to the first-ever Coach Certification Program and have confirmed 12 candidates who will embark on the intensive 12-week program to obtain the highest level of skill and knowledge in Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction (TCR) education and coaching.

Due to the intensive nature of the program, we have decided to only run one coach and one medical program per year. The program is only open to 10 – 12 candidates who will be carefully selected based on their qualification, experience in the industry, and compliance with Nutrition Network’s qualifying criteria. We are now opening applications for the next medical certification program, set to take place in May 2022. 

Please complete the form at this link to apply to take part in the May 2022 Medical Certification Program. This program has been designed exclusively for medical practitioners.

The Certification Path gives our members the opportunity to establish themselves as industry leaders, in a way that is fully verified and supported by our team of experts. The vision for our Nutrition Network Practitioners™ once certified, is for them to step into the role of TCR expert and leader. This is someone who is confident in the intricacies of the science and research behind the TCR diet, someone who is able to demonstrate the capabilities necessary to prescribe the diet in practice, and is able to teach and lead others who show an interest in the field.

Becoming a Nutrition Network Practitioner™ signifies that you have acquired the highest level of knowledge and skill in the field and are recognized as a certified practitioner. 

A quick refresher of the steps can be found at this link. 

Here is an interview that was recently done with two of our certified NN Practitioners:

Full Podcast via The Big Middle: Click here

Full Podcast via Apple Podcasts: Click here

Please complete this form to apply to take part in the May 2022 Medical Certification Program.

 Here is a short video encapsulating the program: Click here

Apply to enrol in one of our CPD Accredited online professional trainings today.