¿Es usted un entusiasta de la dieta cetogénica que desea mejorar y adquirir una formación profesional en asesoramiento nutricional Keto/LCHF?

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Training Overview

La capacitación es presentada por expertos líderes en sus campos. De científicos de clase mundial, médicos especialistas, académicos, entrenadores de vida acreditados por ICF y oradores motivacionales de renombre internacional, el curso está repleto de contenido educativo sobresaliente.

El curso se presenta como una serie de módulos de aprendizaje en línea, de autoaprendizaje.

What you will learn

¡Entonces estás en el lugar correcto!
  • Aprenda habilidades esenciales de coaching de un coach acreditado por ICF y ayude a sus clientes a lograr un cambio significativo y duradero.
  • Acceda a ciencia e investigación curadas por expertos.
  • Obtenga acceso a una caja de herramientas de recursos diseñada para ayudarlo a poner en marcha su negocio de coaching.
  • Conviértase en parte de una red cada vez mayor de profesionales de la salud y entrenadores con ideas afines.
  • Obtenga acceso a nuestro foro privado de miembros y reciba una lista en el muro de practicantes de nuestro sitio web.

Each module includes

This training is specifically designed for


Al finalizar la capacitación, los participantes recibirán un Certificado de finalización.

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Training Outline

LCHF – Una Mirada Professor Tim Noakes
Los Secretos De La Longevidad Para Vivir Una Vida Mas Larga Y Saludable.. Dr Hassina Kajee
Manjeando La Diabetes Dr Neville Wellington
Comenzando La Dieta LCHF Professor Tim Noakes
Etiquetas Nutricionales Y Comida Procesada Maria & Craig Emmerich
Mediciones Biometricas Tamzyn Murphy, RD, MSC
Low Carb Y Presupuesto Tamzyn Murphy, RD, MSC
Entendiendo La Cetosis Dr Neville Wellington
Entendiendo Y Superando La Addicion Al Azucar/Carbohidrato Bridgette Allan, RN
Habilidades de Coaching Bridgette Allan, RN
Lobrar Tus Meta Y Tenar Una Vision Exitosa Bitten Jonsson, RN
Superar Obstáculos Bitten Jonsson, RN
Comida Y Movimiento Dr Robert Cywes
Redescubriendo El Atletismo Cambiando Tu Enfoque Dr Hassina Kajee


"I have been on low carb/ keto for the last two years. I thought I had enough information, however, this course was an eyeopener as it showed that we need to continuously learn and update ourselves. The course content regarding LCHF coaching skills was excellent and I learnt that I need to continuously improve myself by practice. I would like to thank every one of you involved in the course content for providing this excellent course."

- Medical Doctor,

"Even though I have done the professional and advanced training previously, but I still found the course content educational and interesting! I thoroughly enjoyed the course and learnt a lot from it and I am so looking forward to use new knowledge and extra tools in my practice . Thank you so much for a wonderful course!"

- Sports & Food Scientist,
South Africa

"For all wellness / LCHF coaches i would strongly recommend Nutrition Network Advisor course. Possibly the best among all the courses for coaches."

- Nutrition Coach,

Frequently Asked Questions

You have 3 months to complete the training. You may start at any time, and work through the content completely at your own pace, as long as you finish within the 3-month time frame.

No. You can work through the training content completely at your own pace. You don’t need to be online at a certain time and you are welcome to complete the lectures in your own time.

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this training for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund. Please note that a refund will only be issued if 30% or less of the Training has been completed. 

This policy excludes Bundle Purchases. We do not issue full refunds on Bundle Purchases.

The training is made up of video lectures with supporting documents such as the speaker’s PowerPoint presentation, reference list, and short feedback forms to test your learning.

Yes, you will be issued a Certificate of Completion at the end of the training and you will be listed on our website’s Wall of Practitioners.

Definitely! You will be provided with a link to join our private online Community for members – this is moderated daily by our experts. Here you can ask course-related questions, keep updated with the latest low-carb science, troubleshoot difficult cases, or just network and engage with fellow members.

We encourage those who feel they align with our vision and mission of implementing carbohydrate restriction and lifestyle modifications to improve metabolic health to join the Nutrition Network Ambassador Program. Reach out to us for more information at [email protected].

We encourage those who feel they align with our vision and mission of implementing carbohydrate restriction and lifestyle modifications to improve metabolic health to join the Nutrition Network Ambassador Program. Reach out to us for more information at [email protected].

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Thank you

A portion of each Nutrition Network course enrolment fee goes towards funding Eat Better South Africa and the important work they are doing in South African communities.

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