Gearing up for the February 2024 Coach Certification Pathway! See what our Practitioner has to say

As we gear up for our 2024 February Coach Practitioner Certification Path we couldn’t be more pleased to share what Oscar Sanez, one of our 2023 Nutrition Network Coach Practitioner Graduates has to say about the cohort;

“I completed Nutrition Network’s Coach Certification course in July of this year, and I feel so elated for having done it. After I retired from a corporate career two years. I have embarked on a path towards becoming a health coach because of my passion for health and fitness. Without any formal background in health care and armed only with passion and self-learning, I discovered Nutrition Network from the published works of Prof Noakes and I quickly got on the short courses offered online. Since this was pandemic period, it worked very well for me. 

But I knew I needed more than the scientific knowledge if I were to become a full-time coach. I felt I needed to learn the techniques of effective coaching and earn a rightful badge for my credentials. Then I discovered NN was offering a Coach Certification course on a live classroom format for the first time. I missed last year’s first batch enrolment, but I took note of it and all the other online courses I was still missing, and by Nov last year, I was ready. 

What impressed me from the very first session was the diversity of the students. Fifteen students in our batch coming from 9 countries in 4 continents with most of us not having English as native language. It’s interesting how above this diversity sits a common platform for metabolic health understanding. Very few had health care as background, and we all seemed to have varied pathways to get to this place. And that made it even more interesting. Somehow, I felt good that it’s ok to be different and unfamiliar. I felt a welcoming atmosphere that we are all in this together, we will learn together, and we will help each other to make sure we all get to the destination.

About half the course deals with the science of nutrition and the other half is about coaching skills development. This to me as what makes the program so effective. There is the right amount of the “what” and the “how”. Many coaches may have the best understanding of the science and research but fail in how to coach effectively. I’ve been trained in the corporate world on training principles but one-on-one coaching in a world of food addiction and old-world myths is very different and much more complicated. 

And the science is top-class. I like the method of self-research which trains the students on how to research the latest in various fields of metabolic health, find the answers or issues affecting various chronic pathways and summarize your answers in a professional manner complete with references. Very professional. And because each student is given a different question, the idea of sharing these answers for group discussions later allows you to learn all 15 subjects all at once. Not only will you cover more subjects faster, but you will also get to understand how your classmates handle their research and do their analysis. 

Finally, I’d like to add that the quality of NN faculty is class A. The teachers have excellent credentials from experience in research as well as clinical practice. They make sure there’s good participation from everyone and they make time to thoroughly read and comment on student submissions. I am also able to access a huge number of resources in the NN platform and use the materials in my coaching practice as teaching aids. 

I’m so proud to say I graduated from Nutrition Network’s Coach Certification Program” – Oscar Sanez.

This is a testament to The Nutrition Network Coach Practitioner Certification Path and how it integrates health coaching and LCHF mentoring to produce highly skilled LCHF Coach Practitioners. 

Upon completion of the certification, you will possess advanced abilities to collaborate with healthcare professionals or work independently, guiding clients/patients in adopting LCHF nutrition as a sustainable lifestyle.  

This comprehensive certification program spans 14-16 weeks, offering live weekly group sessions featuring expert lectures. The curriculum includes rigorous training in LCHF science and coaching techniques, practical applications, written and oral assessments, logged coaching sessions, mentorship opportunities, and exclusive access to a private membership forum connecting you with lecturers and fellow coach practitioners. Additionally, you’ll receive a comprehensive guide on establishing your coaching practice.

The training is set at $3800 and participants will be selected by application only after completing this qualifying criteria. Applications for the Coach Practitioner Certification Program for 2024 are open. Coach practitioners will receive an advanced level of training from global experts. This makes them part of our distinguished group of expert TCR/LCHF/Keto Coaches and Mentors.

Click here to apply. 

Contact us at [email protected] for more information.

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